Research on the impact of various parameters on biofilm formation has been conducted within the framework of these industries, with varying results depending on the specific methods used in the industry.
Description of the need:
For our industry, irreversible attachment of microorganisms to surface (e.g., fabrics, gum, toilet, etc.) and biofilm architecture are among the key factors of biofilm formation. We need a holistic analytical platform to characterize the chemical composition (substances like proteins (e.g., fibrin), polysaccharide (e.g., alginate), quorum sensing molecules, as well as eDNA) of biofilms and the architecture of the biofilm. The platform will be integrated with microbiology to elucidate MOA and identify the targets to intervene biofilm formation.
What we are looking for:
One stop shop for analytical characterization of biofilms
In situ chemical characterization (cryo OrbiSIMS) with chemical filtering method
Chemicals to monitor: polysaccharides, lipids, glycolipids, protein fragments or peptides, quorum sensing molecules, metabolites
3D Chemistry: spatial resolution of the biofilm
Visualization of biofilm: Cryo TEM, hyperspectral imaging, etc.
We are not interested in:
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